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Why should I buy direct from the author?
When I published my first book in January 2020, someone at work laughed and asked me when I was going to quit my job.
There's this perception out there that authors are wealthy people. And I'm sure the big names (e.g. Richard Osman, Stephen King, John Scalzi, etc.) are doing just fine.
But it's not like that for indie authors. It's tough out there. There are great, amazing things about being an indie author. But most of us aren't making bank.
You know who is making money out of books? Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.
You may have noticed a move in recent years of indie authors selling their books directly to you. There's a reason for that.
If you buy a book for 0.99 from Amazon, the author gets to keep maybe 0.26 of that. Maybe. It depends on the file size. And they won't even get that for around 3 months. But if you buy a book from an author for 0.99, the author gets to keep around 0.83. And we get that money within days.
Because that first book I mentioned? Four years later, it hasn't come close to paying for itself.
If you can't buy direct, libraries are a great way to get books for free while still helping authors get their fair share.
What's the deal with audiobooks?
I'm a big believer in inclusivity and accessibility. Ideally, I want all my books available in all formats. But, from a pragmatic standpoint, they're expensive to produce. For this reason, it's unlikely this book will be available in audio format anytime soon.
How long is this book?
Estimated reading time: 3 hours
34k words / 234 pages